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Welcome to Cala d’Or, a magical corner of Mallorca where history and nature intertwine in the fascinating fortress of Es Fortí! This personal guide will take you through the majestic entrance of this historical treasure, immerse you in exciting activities, and reveal captivating historical facts. Get ready for a unique experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories.

Entrance: As you cross the entrance of Es Fortí, a sense of historical grandeur envelops you. The imposing walls tell silent tales of centuries past, and each step brings you closer to an experience that goes beyond a simple visit to a monument.

Historical Facts: Built in the 17th century as a defense against pirate raids, Es Fortí stands as a witness to the rich history of the island. Discover intriguing details of how this fortress protected the Mallorcan coast and participated in events that have shaped the region.

Activities in the Area:

  1. Guided Historical Tour: Embark on a guided tour led by passionate local historians who will immerse you in the living history of Es Fortí. Explore secret passageways and discover the architectural evolution of this gem.
  2. Hiking with Breathtaking Views: Beyond the walls, hiking trails take you through landscapes that will steal your breath away. An example is the route to Cala de Sa Nau, where the Mediterranean coast unfolds before your eyes.
  3. Aerial Views with Drone: Experience flying over Es Fortí with our drone-recorded video. Aerial images reveal the magnitude of this fortress and its seamless integration with the natural surroundings.
  4. Gastronomic Tasting: After exploring, treat yourself to a culinary experience at local restaurants. Taste sobrasada, a traditional cured sausage, and be captivated by the authentic flavors of Mallorcan gastronomy.

Cala d’Or and Es Fortí offer a unique experience that combines historical richness with natural beauty. From the majestic entrance to exciting activities and local flavors, every moment is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the authenticity of Mallorca. May your visit to Es Fortí be an adventure filled with discoveries and unforgettable emotions!